Name | ROLE | |
Blia Vang Her | Operations Manager | blia.her[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Christine Reed | Vice President of Operations | christine.reed[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Chee Xiong | Teacher Representative | chee.xiong1[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Hli Vang | Parent Representative | hli.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Laura Lee McGovern | Board Chair | laura.leemcgovern[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Mark Campbell | Teacher Representative | mark.campbell[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
May Lee | Parent Representative | may.lee[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Sabrina Edwards | Vice Board Chair | sabrina.edwards[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Thomas Thao | Executive Director | thomas.thao[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Abbey Imholte | Science Teacher | abbey.imholte[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Amanda Roberg | 5th Grade Teacher | amanda.roberg[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Amber Krygiel | Special Education Teacher | amber.krygiel[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Anna Yeung | ELL Teacher | anna.yeung[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Anne Webskowski | Paraprofessional | anne.webskowski[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Andi Twiss | Middle School Science Teacher | andi.twiss[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Andy Vang | Special Edcuation Teacher | andy.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Ava Rehbeck | ELL Teacher | ava.rehbeck[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Bao Cha | 3-5 Assistant Principal | bao.cha[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Bobai Vang | General Educational Assistant | bobai.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Bridget Mealman | K-2 Academic Coach | bridget.mealman[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Carrie Lee | Special Education Paraprofessional | carrie.lee[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Cassie McLain | Middle School ELA Teacher | cassie.mclain[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Cathy Vang | Hmong Academic Coach | cathy.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Cayden Thao | ELL Teacher | cayden.thao[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Charis McCann | Special Education Teacher | charis.mccann[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
ChaMee Vue | Behavioral Support Specialist | chamee.vue[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Chee Kong Yang | 5th Grade Teacher | cheekong.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Chee Xiong | 3rd Grade Teacher | chee.xiong1[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Cheng Vang | Special Education Paraprofessional | cheng.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Cheng Yang | Building Substitute | cheng.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Chia Lee | Special Education Paraprofessional | chia.lee[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Chloe Davis | K-2 Assistant Principal | chloe.davis[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Chloe Friesen | School Counselor | chloe.friesen[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Christina Althoff | 3rd Grade Teacher | christina.althoff[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Dania Fathroen | 3rd Grade Teacher | dania.fathroen[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Daniel Vang | Building Substitute | daniel.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Deonne Nelson | Special Education Paraprofessional | deonne.nelson[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Dennis Walsh | Special Education Teacher | dennis.walsh[at]nmaedu[org] |
Emily Loose | Kindergarten Teacher | emily.loose[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Franklin Vang | Building Substitute | franklin.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Gao Nou Yang | Kindergarten Teacher | gaonou.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Gary Giel | Athletic Director/PE Teacher | gary.giel[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
George Vang | Middle School ELA Teacher | george.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Greta Oelberg | Art Teacher | greta.oelberg[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Hailey Collins | 6-8 Assistant Principal | hailey.collins[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Haylen Xiong | Paraprofessional | haylen.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Holli Porter | Special Education Paraprofessional | holli.porter[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Jamie Neal | Impact Coach (6-8) | jamie.neal[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Joanne Mok | Special Education Teacher | joanne.mok[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
John Murphy | General Educational Assistant | john.murphy[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Julie Xiong | 1st Grade Teacher | julie.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Leon Xiong | 4th Grade Teacher | leon.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kannitha Vang | Special Education Paraprofessional | kannitha.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kara Kerr | Director of Special Education | kara.kerr[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kayleigh Anderson | 5th Grade Teacher | kayleigh.anderson[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kayu Lee | Special Education Paraprofessional | jholen.lee[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kelly Pundzus | Kindergarten Teacher | kelly.pundzus[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kevin Lee | Special Education Paraprofessional | kevin.lee[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Key Yang | Paraprofessional | key.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kingston Xiong | Impact Coach (3-5) | kingston.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kyla Berges | 4th Grade Teacher | kyla.berges[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Hlee Thor | MS Math Teacher | hlee.thor[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
La Her | Impact Coach (K-2) | la.her[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
La’Mara White | 1st Grade Teacher | lamara.white[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Lindsey Goodell | 1st Grade Teacher | lindsey.goodell[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Lisa Vang | 3rd Grade Teacher | lisa.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Mai Ka Ying Her | Special Education Paraprofessional | maikaying.her[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Mai Houa Vue | ELL Teacher | maihoua.vue[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Meg Daniewicz | ELL Teacher | meg.daniewicz[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Mark Campbell | Middle School Social Studies Teacher | mark.campbell[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Matthew Kilanowski | 2nd Grade Teacher | matthew.kilanowski[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Mee Xiong | Library Specialist | mee.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Micah Symmank | Special Education Teacher | micah.symmank[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Mohanad (Mo) Jawadi | Special Education Teacher | mohanad.jawadi[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Molly Kroiss | K-8 Principal | molly.kroiss[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Nhia Lor | Special Education Paraprofessional | nhia.lor[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Oksana Svidersky | 4th Grade Teacher | oksana.svidersky[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Pa Chia Yang | Kindergarten Teacher | pachia.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Pa Houa Xiong | Building Substitute | pa.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Palai Lee | Special Education Paraprofessional | palai.lee[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Pao Lor | Special Education Paraprofessional | pao.lor[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Pang Houa Her | General Educational Assistant | panghoua.her[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Peter Vang | Building Substitute | peter.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Rachel Krebs | 5th Grade Teacher | rachel.krebs[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Riley Neltner | School Social Worker | riley.neltner[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Rosie Chang | ELA Specialist | rosie.chang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Samantha Anderson | MS Math Teacher | samantha.anderson[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Sean Yang | Interim ASP Engagement Director | sean.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
See Lor | Special Education Paraprofessional | see.lor[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Seth Dockendorf | Special Education Teacher | seth.dockendorf[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Sheng Vang | Special Education Paraprofessional | sheng.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Mrs. Shoua Yang | Special Education Paraprofessional | shoua.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Mr. Shoua Yang | Paraprofessional | shoua.yang1[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Shylenn Thao | Special Education Paraprofessional | shylenn.thao[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Suzanne (Sue) Scheidegger | Special Education Teacher | suzanne.scheidegger[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Thomas Thao | Executive Director | thomas.thao[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Timothy Moua | General Assistant | timothy.moua[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Touyer Moua | Middle School ELA Teacher | touyer.moua[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Ungalee Xiong | Paraprofessional | ungalee.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Yelemy Lo | Special Education Paraprofessional | yelemy.lo[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Yupha Chang | Special Education Paraprofessional | yupha.chang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Xanakie Lee | Special Education Paraprofessional | xanakie.lee[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Cathy Vang | 3-5 Academic Coach | cathy.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Pakou Xiong | Hmong Teacher | pakou.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Ka Youa Yang | Hmong Teacher | kayoua.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Luhai (Johnny) Yang | Hmong Teacher | luhai.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Blia Vang Her | Operations Manager | blia.her[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Bryce Welsch | Data & IT Coordinator | bryce.welsch[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Christine Reed | Vice President of Operations | christine.reed[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Erick Castellanos | IT Coordinator | erick.castellanos[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
John Yang | Facilities and Maintenance Coordinator | john.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Kevin Xiong | Kitchen Staff | kevin.xiong1[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Leng Khang | Bus Driver | |
Lisa Xiong | Enrollment & SpEd Coordinator | lisa.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Lopao Vang | Custodian | |
Mai Xiong | Administrative Assistant | mai.xiong[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Pachia Thao | Office Manager | pachia.thao[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Terra Eicher | Health and Wellness Manager, Accounts Payable Coordinator | terra.eicher[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Teing Yang | Transportation Coordinator | teing.yang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |
Va Yang | Bus Driver | |
Vang Leng Lor | Custodian | |
Xao Vang | Operations Manager | xao.vang[at]nmaedu[dot]org |