The instructional department is instrumental in fulfilling the school vision of developing global leaders who transform the world. We strive to create a community of learners in which administrators, teachers, students, and parents are all active participants in the teaching/learning process. New Millennium Academy utilizes technology as a tool to support the delivery of quality, student-centered instruction and bring the Minnesota State Standard Course of Study to life for our digital-age students. Our teachers make learning meaningful, challenging and enjoyable for students.

Instructional Departments
The English Language Learners’ (ELL) program provides extra assistance for children whose first language is not the English American language. The purpose of New Millennium Academy’s ELL program is to bring children’s English language skills to a level where they can do well in the mainstream classroom.
Many factors affect how long it takes children to learn the English American language well enough to participate in the mainstream classroom. One factor is the age of the students when they start to learn English; another factor is the type of education they received in their home country. Research shows that social language takes from one to three years to acquire. Academic language (which is our focus) takes from seven to ten years. We constantly evaluate our students to make sure that we are providing appropriate services.
Parents should communicate with their children in their first language if that is the one they are most comfortable using.
If you have any questions concerns about New Millennium Academy’s ELL program and services, please contact your child’s teacher or the front office (please ask to be connected to the Principal).
New Millennium Academy is a school that specializes in the Hmong language, culture and heritage. All of our scholars, regardless of their grade level, are required to attend 2 Hmong classes a week throughout the academic school year. Our Hmong classes are led by Minnesota licensed teachers who applies New Millennium Academy’s unique one-of-a-kind Hmong curriculum.
If you have any further questions about our Hmong classes, please contact your child’s teacher or the front office (please ask to be connected to the Hmong Director).
The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that, in combination with MN laws and rules, requires school districts to seek out, identify and provide special education services to students with disabilities.
Scholars qualify for special education by meeting specific eligibility criteria, as defined by the MN Department of Education. Students are evaluated by a team of professionals to determine if they qualify in one or more of the following disability areas:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Blind/Visually Impaired (B/VI)
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing (D/HH)
- Deaf-Blind (DB)
- Developmental Cognitive Disability (DCD)
- Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (EBD)
- Other Health Disability (OHD)
- Physically Impaired (PI)
- Severely Multiply Impaired (SMI)
- Specific Learning Disability (SLD)
- Speech or Language
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Once identified as in need of special education unique instruction, New Millennium Academy partners with parents in determining appropriate special education services through the development of an Individual Education Program (IEP) plan that will best meet the needs of the student. We are committed to the success of all students and take seriously our mandate to provide a “free and appropriate public education” (FAPE) to students with disabilities.
If you have any concerns about your child’s development, please contact your child’s teacher or the front office (please ask to be connected to the Director of Special Education).