The election to fill the vacant seats on the Board of Directors for the next school year will be held at the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors on May 20, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, in the main office for in-person voting or by phone at (763)-235-7900. YOU MAY VOTE ONLY AT THE ELECTION! If you do not vote at the set time, you will not be able to participate in choosing the school board of directors. You will find a list of the candidates and information about each at the end of this guide. This election is very important to the school, and it is important that parents and staff consider the strategic needs of the school. By selecting thoughtful and committed board members, we in the school community can ensure that NMA continues on a successful path.
Category Archives: Announcements
Important Updates for SY 2024-2025
Please see these important updates for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.
Early Dismissal 03/26/2024
Due to anticipated inclement weather conditions, NMA will be dismissing scholars early at 3:00PM today, Tuesday, March 26, 2024. All after school programs are cancelled for this evening.
Please stay tuned to our school’s website and communication channels for further updates.
2023-2024 Yearbook on Sale
We are excited to announce that NMA’s 2023-2024 yearbook is now on sale!
The price of the yearbook is $20.62, which includes tax. Place your order at the link below or by calling 1-877-767-5217. The deadline to place an order is Friday, March 1st.
Unlike previous years, orders this year will be conducted online. If you would prefer to pay in cash, please email with your contact information, and we will be in touch.
The link to place an order:…/202307130425491…/CATALOG_SHOP/
Executive Director Announcement
On behalf of the New Millennium Academy’s Board of Directors, we want to share that after a rigorous search process, Thomas Thao has been selected as NMA’s Executive Director.
Please read the letter below for more information, and join us in congratulating and welcoming Thomas in this role!
After School Programs Restructure
Spring After School Programs (ASP) are set to begin on Tuesday, February 6th! We are restructuring ASP beginning this year. The changes are as follows:
- School Tutoring Education Program (STEP), more commonly known as after school tutoring, will be discontinued.
- The rationale for this is that we will pivot our efforts on staying laser focused on instruction during the school day vs. after school.
- All after school programs will be moved to Tuesdays and Thursdays only.
- The rationale for this is that we will be able to save costs on transportation by moving to two days of transportation vs. four days.
- Dance Empowerment Enrichment Program (DEEP), more commonly known as the dance program, will move to Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- All other Hmong cultural programs will continue as planned.
- All sports programs will continue as planned.
These changes were made with the intent to align our after school programs to better complement our academic program.
Any questions or concerns can be directed to Executive Director Thomas Thao.
11.07.23 Weapon on School Grounds
Dear NMA Community,
School safety is our top priority at NMA. Please read the following letter regarding a weapon found on school grounds today, November 7th, 2023.
Executive Director Search
Dear NMA Community,
We are searching for the next Executive Director for our school.
The ideal candidate will have a background in organizational leadership, management and financial oversight. This role reports directly to the board of directors and supervises the daily operations of the organization. Please see the job description below for more details.
If you have any questions, please contact Erica Ahlgren at
2022-2023 NMA School Board Elections
Dear All NMA Families,
It is that time of the year again! Please read the Election Guide below to see the candidates and how you can vote for two open seats for the school board.
Our voting, annual board and PAC meeting will be on the same day; May 15th. Voting will be open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM by phone or in person. On that day please vote in-person in the atrium or call this (763)-235-7903 to vote.
Annual Meeting will be held in the Lecture Hall at 6:00 PM, results will be announced at the meeting.
Please feel free to contact the election committee chair Janie Yang at for any questions or concerns.
Thank you, on behalf of the Election Committee.
Executive Leadership Transition
Dear NMA Families and Community,
On behalf of the New Millennium Academy’s Board of Directors, we want to share that Executive Director Kevin Xiong has resigned from his position and his last day is April 7, 2023. In the interim, Thomas Thao, our Vice President of Academics and Principal, and Hli Xyooj, our Vice President of Programs and Services, will step in as the Interim Co-Executive Directors to continue the great work of Kevin’s vision and leadership and to ensure a strong finish to the 2022-2023 school year.
The departure of a highly talented executive director is a challenging situation for our organization but the board of directors and NMA’s executive leadership team are committed to ensuring our staff, students, and families are fully supported during this transition.
During Kevin’s tenure at NMA, he has guided NMA through a series of challenges that included the COVID-19 pandemic and the racial reckoning in our city, all while putting students, staff, and families at the center. He built a strong Hmong language and culture program and created a vision for expanding programs and services to meet the needs of our communities. We thank Kevin for his vision, leadership, and commitment to New Millennium Academy.
While the board begins its discussion for what comes next, we encourage you to reach out to NMA’s Board of Directors if you have any questions. We hope you all will join us in wishing Kevin well and sharing your personal stories of thanks and gratitude for all he has done on behalf of New Millennium Academy. Below is a message from Kevin Xiong to share with all of you.
NMA’s Board of Directors
Chonburi Lee, Chair
Amy Schwartz, Vice Chair
Ker Vang, Secretary
Hlis Nelson, Treasurer
Rosie Chang, Director
Janie Yang, Director
Dear NMA Families and Community,
Since 2017, I have begun my career here at New Millennium Academy (NMA), never anticipating that I would sit at the highest position in the organization, creating change and opportunities for the school community. Since then, I have learned from all of you, grew as a person, and continue to be inspired by all of your actions. I appreciated how all of you held me accountable as the Executive Director.
Today, April 7, 2023, is my last day here at NMA. I hope that I have left NMA in a better place than when I first started in 2017. Here is what I’ve accomplished:
- Increased our operating revenues by building partnerships with
federal, state and local funders
- Started our Pathway to Classroom initiative to increase more teachers of colors into the classroom
- Increase the funding to support teachers’ professional development opportunities
- Developed a step and lane salary structure that supports a competitive compensation for teachers and EAs
- Build the K-8 curriculums that focus on growth and proficiency in the Hmong language and culture
- Started our international partnerships in Laos to start our global leadership work
- Started our equity strategic plan
- Implemented our cultural and community enrichment programs including Hmong Paj Ntaub, Mej Koob, Hmong Dance, Hmong Cooking, and Qeej program. These programs have drawn more than 200 participants from our entire school community
- Established our NMA Transportation LLC that will bring up to $200,000 in annual revenues
- Created a school culture built on wellness, engagement, and growth
I thank each and every one of you for your contribution to the success of NMA. This work needs to continue and the school community relies on all of you to do your part in its success!
Thank you.
Kevin Xiong